Your contact person at Green by Design Architects

The principals from Green by Design Architects and their teams represent expertise, commitment and long-term project experience.


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Billy Forrest A.I.A LEED AP NCARB




Billy is one of the founding members of Green by Design Architects and brings over 25 years of experience to the table.


An avid local architectural history buff, Billy combines this knowledge with current design techniques to provide a unique approach to modern planning that blends with any neighborhood.

His specialty is the synthisis of cutting edge sustainilbile technology with artistic design. 


Billy is the recipient of several prestigious awards, the most recent being 






FirstName LastName

Architect BDA, graduate engineer



FirstName joined Green by Design Architects in 1999 and brings 15 years of residential design expertise to your project.  Having managed some of the largest building projects for the city of Windsor, FirstName provides a technical insight not found in any other architectural firm.


FirstName has currently completed the State Street Urban Renewal Project, a nationally-recognized success in inner city gentrification.  Additionally, he was awarded "Architect of the Decade" by the Illinois Board of Architectural Review.





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Green by Design Architects

8837 Cellar Way

Windsor, CA 95492






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Please contact us.


Green by Design Architects

8837 Cellar Way

Windsor, CA 95492


707 4830385




Please also feel free to use our contact form.